035-3199 035-32530060
021-26800451 021-26800450
We all know tiles have different types and that people differentiate them based on surface, water absorption, technology, etc.
Originally, the tile industry mainly produced two types of tiles: glazed and unglazed tiles. Unglazed tiles have a straightforward design with only a polished surface. In contrast, glazed tiles are initially manufactured with a matte surface but come in different colors. Glazed tiles have replaced unglazed tiles with the latest advances in tile production and printing and glazing technologies. Glazed tiles come in polished or matte surface designs.
Matte means the surface absorbs light and prevents reflection and slippage.
Polished tiles: The surface of porcelain tiles is compressed, dense, and rough after the cooking stage. The roughness is advantageous for those tiles produced for the exterior, but for the interior, especially in residential spaces, most consumers prefer a type of ceramic with polish and brilliance. In other words, consumers need a replacement for natural stones. Manufacturers should have flooring tiles with a glossy and shining coating in their product range to meet this demand.
Polishing ceramic surface: in this method, the surface of porcelain ceramic (raw or glazed) is polished to the degree that the surface becomes glossy, just like an actual glass surface. The polishing is done by specific machinery equipped with various brushes in a separate stage after the product's initial production. The so-called super polished phrase refers to the highly polished surface of the ceramic that gives this range of tiles a perfect shine and excellent finish.
Mt 60 (Trans) tiles: these are some sort of glazed tiles with a smooth, shiny surface and sound reflection. Apart from their distinct glossy surface, the shine is caused by the glaze in the tiles not polishing.
Punch tiles: the surface of the tile is not entirely polished or smooth. These tiles generally create a three-dimensional feeling, and the surface is not even.