• info@persepolistile.ir
  • 035-3199
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The durability of tiles depends on not only manufacturing quality but also the maintained procedure. Note these tips when maintaining and cleaning ceramics:


Do not use powerful detergents that contain acidic material as they can destroy the mortar between the tiles.

Daily cleaning

Over time, sand, dust, and small particles can erode ceramic tiles and cause scratches on the tile surface. Thus, the best solution is to do the dusting and cleaning regularly.

The tile and ceramic cleaning practice

Use warm water to clean your tiles. You can use dish soap as well. To give your ceramics a good shine, use a solution of water and baking soda.

Installing flooring tiles


For this purpose, you need a set of professional tools: level, laser meter, power trowel, manual or power cutting machines, and electric mixers to prepare grout and thin mortar.

Safety equipment

         Use safety equipment such as plastic lenses and gloves must be used during the cutting process. While installing, transporting, and lifting ceramic tile cartons, wear knee protection pads and back belts.

Installation location

        - The installation site should be spotless and free of any contamination such as oil, grease, and soap spume for standard installation

        - The installation site should be completely even. Use laser or bubble level to check the surface

        - The installation site should not be loose or uneven. Carefully level the surface.


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